Must Know Docker Commands

These are just some of the most commonly used Docker commands. There are many more commands available that can be used to manage and interact with Docker containers and images. You can find a full list of commands in the Docker documentation.

docker build

docker build -t my-image:latest .

This command builds an image from the Dockerfile located in the current directory, with the tag my-image:latest . The “-t” option specifies the name and tag of the image, while the full stop at the end of the command specifies the build context, which is the current directory containing the Dockerfile.

docker run

docker run -it my-image:latest 

This command runs a container from the my-image:latest image in “-it” interactive mode.

To set a restart policy for your container, you can use the “–restart” flag with the “always” option:

docker run --restart=always my-image:latest

If you want to update the restart policy of an existing container, you can use the “docker update” command:

docker update --restart=always my-container

docker ps

docker ps

This command lists all running containers.

docker images

docker images

This command lists all available images on the system.

docker pull

docker pull ubuntu:latest 

This command pulls the latest version of the Ubuntu image from Docker Hub.

docker push

docker push my-registry/my-image:latest 

This command pushes the my-image:latest image to the my-registry registry.

docker stop

docker stop my-container 

This command stops the my-container container.

docker rm

docker rm my-container 

This command removes the my-container container.

docker rmi

docker rmi my-image:latest 

This command removes the my-image:latest image.

docker exec

docker exec -it my-container bash 

This command runs the bash command in the my-container container in interactive mode.

docker inspect

docker inspect my-container 

This command displays detailed information on the my-container container.


docker-compose up 

This command runs the Docker Compose file in the current directory.

docker network

docker network ls 

This command lists all Docker networks on the system.

docker volume

docker volume create my-volume 

This command creates a Docker volume with the name my-volume.

docker logs

docker logs my-container 

This command displays the logs for the my-container container.

docker commit

docker commit my-container my-new-image 

This command creates a new image named my-new-image from the changes made to the my-container container.

docker tag

docker tag my-image:latest my-registry/my-image:latest 

This command adds the my-registry registry to the my-image:latest image tag.

docker system

docker system info

This command shows information about the Docker system..

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